Back Yard Botanicals with Bugs, Butterflies, and Backyard Life
Molly Henriksen
8 Weeks, Mondays 4:15-5:45
March 31-May 19
Spring is coming, and with it, our backyards explode with new growth and new life. Explore the yard around The Meetinghouse, and your own backyard. We will begin by observing local plants and find inspiration for our work in them. Create hanging vases, leafy platters! We will learn about some common edible plants found in our yards (taste testing only at home with your parent’s permission, please!), and use our yards for inspiration for form and texture, and create pieces both sculptural and functional.
*Refunds will not be given within one week of the beginning of class. A $25 processing fee will be retained from any refund. If a class must be cancelled due to low enrollment, a full refund will be given.